
When you use our services, you entrust us with your data.

This privacy policy sets out what data we collect, why we collect it and how it is used.

We care about your privacy and want to be as clear as possible about how your personal data is processed.

We provide you with information on how to access your stored personal data, how to update it and how to delete your personal data.

1. information we collect

By collecting information, we can improve our services for all users.

We collect data that you provide and data that we receive when you use our services.

1.1 Information you provide

To be able to process your order and to carry out our statutory accounting, we collect personal data, such as e-mail address, telephone number, invoice address, delivery address and in some cases social security number (only when purchasing age-restricted goods).

1.2 Information we receive when you use our services

We collect information about what services you use, how you use them, what products you buy and how much you buy.

We collect visitor statistics using Google Analytics.

This means that information about how you use our services is stored on Google's servers.

1.2.1 Device information

We collect information about the specific device being used (such as hardware model, operating system version, unique device ID and mobile network information, including phone numbers).

1.2.2 Log information

When you use our services or view content provided by us, some information is automatically collected and stored in server logs.

The log data contains the following:

- Information on how you used our service, such as your search queries.

- IP address.

- Information about events on your device such as crashes, system activity, hardware settings, browser type, browser language, date and time of your request and referral address.

- Cookies that can identify your browser.

1.2.3 Location information

When you use our services, we may collect and process information about your location.

We use various technologies to determine your location, including IP address, GPS and other sensor data from your device that can inform us of nearby Wi-Fi access points and mobile phone masts.

1.2.4 Local storage

We may collect and store information (including personal data) locally on your device using features such as browser storage (including HTML 5) and application caches.

1.2.5 Cookies and similar technologies

We and our business partners use various technologies to collect and store information when you use our services.

This may involve using cookies or similar technologies to identify your browser or device.

A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website.

2. How we use the information we collect

Information we collect from our services is used to provide, maintain, protect and improve our services, to develop new services and to protect AKU Detaljhandel and our users.

When you contact us, we save your messages in order to resolve any problems you face.

We may use your email address to inform you about our services, for example to tell you about upcoming changes or improvements.

The information we collect using cookies and other technologies, such as pixel tags, is used to improve the user experience and the overall quality of our services.

One of the products we use for this purpose in our own services is Google Analytics.

By saving your language settings, we can, for example, display our services in the language you use.

When serving personalised ads, we will not link identifiers from cookies or similar technologies to sensitive categories of personal data, such as those based on ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or health status.

If we want to use information for a purpose other than that described in this privacy policy, we will first ask for your consent.

We process personal data and other information on our servers in many countries around the world.

Your personal data may be processed on a server in a country other than your country of residence.

3. transparency and choice

Different users have different views on privacy.

We want to be clear about what information we collect so that you can make informed decisions about how it may be used.

For example, you can do the following:

- Choose whether your email address and name will be visible in your reviews and comments.

- Retrieve information about your stored personal data.

- You can disable cookies by changing your browser's security settings and you can also delete previously stored cookies via your browser's settings. Remember that many of our services may stop working if you disable cookies.

4. Accessing and updating personal data

You can contact us at any time and ask us to update/edit or delete your personal data, provided that the information does not need to be kept for valid business purposes or for legal reasons.

For legal reasons, we keep personal data needed in our accounting for 7 years, after 7 years we delete the information as there is no longer any purpose to keep the data. Personal data that loses its purpose earlier is deleted earlier.

5. information we share

We do not share personal data with companies, organisations or individuals outside AKU Retail except in the following situations:

5.1 With your consent

We share personal data with companies, organisations or individuals outside AKU Retail if you have allowed us to do so. We must have your active consent to share sensitive personal data with others.

5.2 For external treatment

We disclose personal data to our affiliates or other trusted companies and individuals tasked with processing the information on our behalf, in accordance with our instructions, this privacy policy and all other appropriate privacy and security measures.

5.3 For legal reasons

We share personal data with companies, organisations or individuals outside AKU Retail if we have good reason to believe that accessing, using, retaining or disclosing such data is reasonably necessary to:

- comply with applicable laws, regulations, legal processes or mandatory requests from public authorities

- ensuring compliance with the applicable terms of use, including the investigation of any breach of them

- detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security or technical problems

- protect against damage to rights, property, safety, users or the public as required or authorised by law.

We may share data that cannot be linked to a specific individual publicly and with our partners - such as publishers, advertisers or linked websites. For example, we may share information publicly to show trends in the general use of our services.

Should AKU Detaljhandel be involved in a merger, acquisition or any other form of sale, we will ensure the confidentiality of all personal data and notify affected users before their data is transferred or falls under any other privacy policy.

6. Information security

We are constantly working to protect AKU Detaljhandel and our users from unauthorised access or unauthorised changes that could reveal or destroy information we hold.

- We encrypt many of our services with SSL.

- We review our data collection, storage and processing procedures, including physical security measures, to protect against unauthorised access to systems.

- We limit access to personal data to our employees, suppliers and agents who need the data to process it on our behalf.

7. Changes

Our privacy policy may change from time to time and any changes will be published on this page, if the changes are significant we will provide a more prominent notice.


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